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The Forbidden Forest

Writing this journal has encouraged me to get out and go to new places, see the world outside of my desk and textbook, which seemed to be the confinements of studying a medical degree. I have realised that I am at my most creative when I have inspiration from an external stimuli. Most of my songs have been written when I have seen, read or felt something that has ignited a spark of thought and creativity.

I wrote this piece of piano music after walking through the woodland where Harry Potter was filmed – the ‘forbidden forest’, as JK Rowling refers to it. It is a beautiful location, surrounded by nature with the sun shining through the trees, soft moss covering the ground and the sound of birds from all directions. I can also see how it becomes a rather eerie place to be when the sun goes down, as it does in the darker scenes of the Harry Potter movies... The opening line of the piano represents the birds calling to each other, and the piece builds from there as a wander through the woodland.

Manchester, UK


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