Isn't it funny how expectations never meet reality. Medical students are expected to fulfil every single characteristic to the left - and of course, these qualities are important to succeeding in Medicine. However, it takes a few years of medical school to realise that these words do not define you as a person. Medical school is about living as well as studying, and I have only properly realised that over the past year or so. It is totally unrealistic to keep up those characteristics that we strived towards in first year - that's the reason so many medics 'burn out'. I certainly did. I still remember the Christmas holidays after the first semester of first year - I was an absolute mess because I didn't let myself relax due to the expectation and push to be all of those 8 words on the left.
Now, in my 5th year of studying, the words above are definitely still applicable, but I accept the fact that the words below are more than ok to indulge in - we need to look after ourselves before we look after our studies. The words on the below encompass socialising, enjoying life, friendships and resting. It is just as important to have these experiences as a medical student as it is to fulfilling the characteristics above. This year out of medicine studying the medical humanities has definitely made me realise how important it is to enjoy life, enjoy being creative, do what you love, but also, work hard.